Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fun with Flowers

Yesterday was our third paper flower making workshop and it was another highly successful event.

The best part?  The laughter and friendship.  And the joy of watching our newbies discover that they have a talent they had never explored.

My friend Tanya's smile says it all.

That was her second flower.  She was a "natural" at this and took supplies home to make them with her friend, Faye, whom she had brought to the workshop with her.

Faye had never made these flowers before and she took to it readily.  Her red roses turned out beautifully.  To the left of her is Jane who had never made them before either.  Hers all turned out well and she really had fun. (I know because she told me so!)  That's Gay in the foreground.  She is amazing.

This isn't the best picture of these lovely ladies:  Sandra (l) and Claire (r). But the flowers these newbies created were gorgeous!

Sherry (r) is Gay's sister.  Claire is still concentrating on another fantastic bloom.  A talented artist who had not done this before, Sherry, too, was a "natural."  Her pink and coral creations were breathtakingly lovely. Sherry and Gay will be recruiting a few more people and doing small parties on their own:

We are very fortunate to have a library with a conference room that is perfect for workshops like ours.  There were 10 of us.

Ten more ladies making flowers for our March 14 fashion show at Safety Harbor spa's gorgeous ballroom.  The enjoyment increases with each workshop.

Live. Love. Laugh.

We're doing it.



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