Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 -- Day One

The first day of 2015 is not much different from the first day of 2014 for me.  I look at what I wanted to accomplish last year and resolve to do better in the coming year.  At my age (68), it's mostly to work on a healthier lifestyle -- and to make the remaining years of my life ones that really count.  And to have fun.

So in 2014, I did do many hours of volunteer work for several different organizations as I have done for the past eight years.  In June, I looked at what I had ahead of me and dialed back a little because I was stressing myself out.  And I wasn't having as much fun.  My major accomplishment for the year was editing a cookbook, "Dining with the Ladies," as a fundraiser for the GFWC Woman's Club of Tarpon Springs.

I have been gratified by the reception of the book in our community. The Historical Society and the hospital auxiliary even purchased some and are selling them in their respective gift shops.  The city will also be purchasing them to sell in the various museum gift shops.

I had a committee of wonderful women who were very supportive in putting this together in less than two months so that we could take delivery the first week in November.  I still have some boxes sitting in the entry way of our home -- but it is only 9 boxes now -- down from 24.  I told my husband a couple of weeks ago that I would try to get them moved to a storage area when it was available but that sweet man told me not to worry about it -- that he is used to them now and doesn't even notice them.  Well, I'm not at that point yet.  I am used to riding around town now with a couple of totes full of books so I can sell them at a moment's notice.

And, my current project? The 2015 Fashion Show, of course.  We're beginning the marketing effort now and I am teaching flower making workshops in January and February.

We're using hundreds of paper flowers for centerpieces and corsages for our "Celebrate Spring" theme for the show which is being held on March 14 at the Safety Harbor Resort.  I am also joining a few other women in creating a basket for donating as an opportunity prize for this year's  show.  We typically make around $2000 just off of the raffle ticket sales for those prizes.  I've already received a print from Christopher and Kelly Still which we are having framed.  Artwork is normally our best ticket seller.

On the "Healthier Lifestyle" resolutions?  Well, I did lose 8.5 pounds for the year and am continuing with that goal as it is an ongoing process. And I am part of a group of women who are actively working on it together.  We plan to meet in May on Perdido Key so we're all working to make sure we are all in very good health for a few days of shopping and sightseeing in the Panhandle.

All in all, 2014 was a good year and the only regret I have is that I didn't do as much painting as I wanted to.  To remedy that, I have started scheduling time in my studio -- 10 hours a week minimum.  I hope to have a lot of new work to choose from for next year's art show in January.  I only have this one for this year:

I did a few others in 2014, but I didn't think they would do for a show.  We'll see how this one does.   I can't remember if I named it.  It is a sunset on a cloudy horizon.  Maybe I'll just call it, "Sunset."

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2015.

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