Sunday, January 12, 2014

Honesty Is Still the Best Policy

Maybe it it time to get back to being accepting of coworkers', friends' and neighbors' honest feedback.

People who know me well know that it is dangerous to express an opinion about something or someone if they do not want an honest response from me.  That means there is a good chance they will be unhappy with my reply in a face to face conversation or in an email.

Over the years, I have learned which friends can handle honesty and those who cannot.  So I tend to distance myself from those who cannot.  Or to do as the little guy in the cartoon will do in the future -- just keep my own counsel.

Everyone has the right to his or her own opinion.  Just because someone else does not agree does not make them wrong...nor does it make them right.  It means you can respectfully agree to disagree.

So Congress must be a microcosm of our society.  Instead of addressing an issue directly, they go off in their little caucuses to complain about the other members because they have dared to disagree with them.  Or worse yet, they lie about them.

People seem to have lost the ability to respectfully agree to disagree.  It seems to be a "my way or no way" for so many in so many scenarios -- most with no connection to politics.  We are living in a very intolerant society where many believe that if you do not agree with them, you are wrong.

Until the average person become more tolerant of others and their ideas, beliefs and opinions we will remain in chaos at all levels.  It's time for honest discourse -- and acceptance of people who do not think exactly the way we do.

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