Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday is a free day

It is rainy this morning. Not a usual occurrence in the winter here.  Winter is our dry season but occasionally a front like this one brings some rain with it.  It will be cooler for the next seven days as we return to temperatures more normal for January in west central Florida on the Gulf -- highs around 70, lows in the low 50s.  Nice.

When I started revamping my life style last year, I took a hard look at what I could do to make things a little more manageable.  As I've pointed out in the blog posts this week, I set aside some true "me" time.  Thursday is one of those days that I try to keep totally free so I can do whatever I want to on that day.  Sometimes that involves a little housework.  Damn little.  Most times it involves spending time with the husband.  And it also means time for my painting and paper crafts.

I love Thursdays.

And I love rainy Thursdays because I planned to be at home anyway just doing my thing.  I do like an occasional ride out to the beach when it is raining.  It looks so different when the skies are stormy and the wind whips the palms every which way.

Today, though, I plan to straighten the office a little.  Organize the chaos in the guest bedroom so I can find things again.  And play with the cards, bookmarks and gift bags project.  We have a workshop planned at The Church on the Bayou on Monday and I need to get some kits made up for people who would like to decorate a bag instead of making a card.

And I have an Amazon delivery I am expecting that will bring me some goodies I ordered on Monday night. Opening those boxes is always a lot of fun!  I love Amazon almost as much as I love Thursdays.


  1. My Amazon "addiction" has gotten worse with the purchase of my Kindle Fire. On the plus side, I'm reading like mad.

  2. It is amazing how much easier it is to read using any of my Kindles. I have 3 of them now. LOL And recently I have had occasion to return two items and Amazon could not have made it any easier for me to do so. And, the refund was fast and accurately done. I'm a big fan. Their CEO says that their goal is to provide the best customer service in the world. I'd say they're pretty close to goal. ;-)


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