Friday, January 11, 2013

Friday -- Library Day

When I listed my "changes' for 2012, I mentioned that getting more organized about my volunteer work was an important goal.  As in the work world when you are disorganized in your approach to your job, disorganization when it comes to volunteer work has the same negative impact.  Recognizing that I was becoming pretty frazzled trying to give time to Woman's Club activities, responsibilities as Treasurer of the Friends of the Library, and  management of the Friends bookstore, I decided to be firm about assigning days in my weekly schedule and sticking to them.
Fountain in front of the library

So Friday is Library Day.  Actually, it is Friends Bookstore Day.  Every Friday.  And I have missed very few of them.  It is a day devoted to sorting through books donated by library patrons.  Some donations are wonderful.  Others -- not so much.  Why do people donate filthy, smelly, moldy books to the library?  What do they think the library can use them for?  They end up in the dumpster and could just as easily be tossed in the garbage can at home.  The Fridays that I have to deal with such a donation are the pits. And, unfortunately, these are usually HUGE donations requiring a lot of time on my part.  It takes time away from sorting and pricing the good books.  That means they don't get into the bookstore in a timely manner and if they aren't there, they can't be sold.  And it means more days I have to allot in my schedule to sort books so that they are ready to be put in the store when the shelving team comes in on Tuesday.
Friends Members ready for the big book sale

Our bookstore is an "honor system" type of store.  The bookstore is within sight of the circulation desk, but the librarians are busy helping patrons check their books out and sight of the bookstore is often blocked by the person standing in from of them.  Therefore, some books "walk" and we know it.  But we keep the prices low so most people can afford them.  $1.00 for hard covers over 3 years old. Varying prices for newer releases -- but never more than $4.00.  Soft covers (paperbacks) are priced at 10% of the original retail price.  So a soft cover priced at $15.00 sells for $1.50 in our little store.

In 2012 we sold $17,466.00 in books, magazines, and other media.  I wrote the check to the library on December 31.  And I wrote a second check -- the investment gains during 2012 on the Friend's managed portfolio.  The Friends gave the library a total of $50,000 this past year.

Libraries are vital to a free society.  Many community leaders have forgotten or may never have known how important they are.  I am glad we live in a city in which our elected leaders (Mayor and Commissioners) recognize the importance of our library and do what they can to keep the doors open and a staff in place.  Our donation goes toward enhancements: programs for children and adults, modern computers, and a myriad of things that make our library a place where people want to come and spend a little while.

Fridays are special for me.  Speaking of which -- I need to get moving!

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