Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sunken Gardens

Yesterday I was one of twenty-one members of the Shutterbug Club who visited Sunken Gardens, a botanical garden in north St. Petersburg.  I had been there many years ago but had forgotten what a truly special place it is.  Tucked away between beautiful wrought iron fencing, lies 4 acres of some of the most luscious foliage I have ever seen.  I took this photo as we were walking from the parking lot to the front entrance.  The bougainvillea is just gorgeous, don't you think?

The admission to this tropical "jungle" is only $6 for seniors over 62 (there are advantages to aging) and $8 for younger adults.  We were coming from Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties to meet at the Gardens so we had a little wait after we purchased our admission stickers.  It was an enjoyable wait as we had a chance to catch up with each other's doings or to get acquainted with new members.  I noticed a hibiscus through the front windows and went back out front look more closely.

A perfect bloom....

I started to get a more panoramic view of the garden there but the BIG BROWN TRUCK rolled up and parked, blocking the best part of the shot so I turned around and went back inside where I spotted this guy.

He didn't speak despite my efforts to assure him of what a "pretty bird" he is.  He was busily working on the fastening to his cage.  Someone had wisely moved that cage up against the wall so that if (probably when) he gets it open, it won't have an opening large enough for him to get out.

The rest of our party arrived so we all headed into the gardens.  The height of the trees is impressive and the first thing that you notice.  It was heavily overcast yesterday morning and we were all hoping that we could see the whole place before rain set in.

I couldn't count how many kinds of bromeliads I saw yesterday.  They are so beautiful and all are great complements in color to the deep greens of the foliage around them.  This one stands out at the beginning of the path into the gardens.

As I rounded a curve the bamboo forest caught my eye.  My friends walking ahead of me show you just how tall these bamboo trees are.

Sunken gardens has an amazing number of koi ponds -- large and small.  I have always loved water lilies and I enjoyed seeing them and the very large fish who make them their homes.  I didn't see the food you could buy to feed them until we returned to the building where we entered.

One of my favorite flowers -- the Mexican Petunia

Breath taking bougainvillea

I couldn't find a sign for this bloom -- if someone can identify it for me, I would appreciate the assistance.  Beautiful isn't it?

More bromeliads

Beautiful ground cover

Located at a bend in our path, this magnificent old oak made a lovely picture

Every once in awhile, I like to throw in a shot that gives you a little perspective on just how massive this tropical foliage is.  This is my friend, Sheila, and her hubby.

Taking a quarter turn in another direction, I spotted these Brugmansia.  Aren't they exotic looking?

Then I looked down

Is it any wonder I took 124 photos yesterday.  Thank goodness for digital!

The path ahead...

And the rock wall beside me....

And, as many times as I saw this flower yesterday, I still don't know what it is.  Do you?

No, I am NOT posting all 124....

But there are some I just cannot leave out...

There were some young children who were really enjoying the gardens...

Lots of little grottos with waterfalls..

And ponds with waterfalls..

And more lovely foliage...

Hang in there, we're nearing the end of our path...

Ahhh, here we are.  The elusive flamingos I could hear but not see until the path led up to the pond.  That group across the way includes more of my group.  I see Dolores taking a picture of me.

Dueling cameras.

I cropped her out of my next pic. ;-)

 It started to rain and I had no umbrella to protect my camera so it was time to go.  We had reservations for 21 at Outback Steakhouse.  So I snapped one more shot and headed for shelter.

This was the best Shutterbug trip I have been able to attend since the one on our cruise from the Crab Shack last year.  I think it was last year.  The years pass so quickly, I am never quite sure when I did something.  Thank goodness the computer dates the file.

I'll be back.  This was a lot of fun. And lunch was delicious!

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