Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spring into Summer

I walked out onto the lanai this morning and had a hard time believing it was still April.  It feels like a summer morning out there.  I let Beau into the yard and then decided to get my cell phone and take a couple of pictures because the plumeria trees have really taken off and I needed to take another picture to document this stage of our pineapple.

First, the Plumeria.

The height of these older trees that span the southwestern corner of our lanai is probably about 12 feet now and their branches spread out a good 8 feet in diameter.  Butch keeps them pruned to prevent damage to the pool enclosure.  When he prunes, he tosses the piece he has cut over onto a table and lets them dry for a couple of months.  Then he sticks them in pots or directly into the ground where they will start a new tree.  As much as I love the scent of a rose, I love the plumeria even more.  There is nothing on earth that smells as heavenly to me.  I have brought them back from Kauai or Maui many times.  And when we see someone working in a yard that is home to a color we do not have, we will stop and ask them to call us when they prune the next time.  We've traded "sticks" with a number of other Plumeria lovers.

Now for the new love of our lives....our PINEAPPLE

That bloom I was so excited about a few weeks ago began the production of the most fascinating fruit we have ever grown.  We will definitely plant the top to this one after we harvest it.  It is not just fascinating.  It is also beautiful.  Each of those little blooms closes and others open as the fruit forms.  After months of nothing much going on (except for the growth of the huge foliage) it is so gratifying to see the fruit itself take off. This has been such fun -- and not much work at all.

The summer like temperatures we have had this week have caused these tropical plants to experience growth spurts.  So even though I would like to see it stay cooler a little longer, this early summer has its benefits.

Later this week I'll give you a tomato plant update!

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