Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Thursday

It's Thursday and that means it is time for a walk  -- and a blog entry about the walk!  I got some really pretty shots with my cell phone this morning.  You'd never know this is just one of the cheap little Motorola flip phones.  It has a web browser, though -- and most of the stuff that other, more expensive phones have.

So, let's get to walking.

The clouds were magnificent this morning.  I don't think I need to say anything else.  Just look at this first shot I took.  We had not been walking on the causeway very long before I slowed us down to take this.  I loved the reflected light from the sun rising behind us and the reflections in the water.  Pretty, huh?

While I was taking that picture, Dolores, who had brought her camera this time, was taking a picture of the silvery vista behind us.  So I did, too.

Loved the icy look to it but, believe me, it was NOT cool out there this morning.  It was at least 80 degrees and humid with no breeze to speak of at that point.  We turned around and continued toward the island.  As we came to the second bridge, I was drawn to the sky again.  I'm sure you can see why.

I resolutely put that phone away in my waist pack and concentrated on walking as it was getting warmer and warmer with still no breeze.  We finally got to the island and I was drawn to my favorite spots on the north end.

These palms are where I used to sit with a book in my lap.  I read very little because the view is so distracting.  The clouds above them were a little wispy.  Since my surgery for skin cancer last winter, I am very careful about sun exposure and will not be sitting under those palms again.  Reflected light rays from the water and the sand is just as bad as sitting in the sun.

I walked my favorite path in the opening in the sea grape hedge and took another shot of one of my favorite views.  I never tire of it.

And as I looked at the sea grapes I noticed that the leaves have started to turn a little.  They are getting that rust color that the grapes will turn.  Can Fall be too far away?  Wishful thinking. ;-)

The grapes were still really green.  I did get a macro shot because I loved these two complementary secondary colors.  I get so many of my color ideas from the colors around me.

I think I will eventually use that one in a painting of some sort.  As we rounded the end of the island, we finally felt a breeze.  I noticed one of the dunes that our park rangers had constructed and decided to take a picture of it and the palms that they planted about 3 years ago now, I think.

I love our little beach and its causeway.  I love our park, too, but right now it is full of mosquitoes!  I and my friends wasted no time once we hit the trail to the parking lot.  Another walk completed, it was time to get home, shower, and spend the rest of the day doing less physical things. We'll meet again on Tuesday to do it all again. 

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