Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The "Eyes" Have It!

I saw a picture of a lab on FB today that was just eyes peaking over the edge of a sofa or bed or something.  It made me think of Beau and the many pictures I have taken of him.  Sometimes you can see his eyes really well.  Other times, you may to search for them because he's a little scruffy.  That is when I really love his look.

Here he is freshly groomed.  And looking quite handsome.

Here he is a tad scruffy.  This is where he waits for us for his "nite nite" treat.  That is the intent look on his little face.

This makes me laugh every time I see it.  These are the rungs of "his" coffee table.  This is his favorite place to watch my husband -- or to watch TV.  It upsets him greatly when visitors come and sit on the couch and put their feet in "his" spot.  Ask Eileen.

I will look up from my Kindle or laptop sometimes because I feel someone staring at me.  And it is always Beau.  Looking just like this.  It is his, "You need to pay attention to me...NOW," look.  I take it seriously.  Just after I finish laughing.

This is my beautiful boy just after I have brushed him out.  I love his silky hair AND he doesn't shed!

Occasionally he will sneak up on me when I am napping on the couch.  This is what I see when he wakes me up.  It's his, "I'm ready for dinner," look.

This is his wild puppy look.

I think he loves me.

This is his "Prince of the Manor" look.  Winter coat.

And this is my favorite.  That look of absolute adoration is for my husband whom he loves without reservation.  And those feelings are returned many times over.

And all of these pictures have that one thing in common whether groomed or not.  His eyes are so expressive.  He shares that trait with every other dog alive, I think.  It tears me up to think of how he was abused before we adopted him almost  8 years ago.  He is eleven now, we think.  Still like a puppy in so many ways, but he sleeps a little longer these days.  He's happy, healthy and comfortable in his safe and loving environment.  I get so upset when I see those stories almost every day about dogs and cats and the abuse they suffer.  I cannot understand how anyone can abuse these loyal and loving creatures the way they do.  There has to be something major lacking in their souls.

Those eyes are looking at me now.  It's time to give him his "nite nite" treat and tuck him in for the night.

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