Thursday, April 5, 2012


I love having visitors and enjoy them almost every morning.

This is "Eddy the Egret."  Those of you who live outside of the extreme southeast may have birds of a different type that visit daily.  Here we have egrets, herons, storks, ibis and a few other bird species.  Eddy is a favorite of mine.  He is friendly and not afraid to come closer.


This little guy gets wind of him:

Yep.  The Beau-Zo is not fond of Eddy.  Not fond at all.  So as soon as he is aware of Eddy's presence, he will jump any obstacles in his path and skid to a noisy stop at the screen that separates him from our visitor.

It's a good thing the screen slider was closed because Eddy might not have been as inclined to stick around.

But he did take a few steps backward...

 And Beau got right up on the screen and made sure Eddy knew he meant business.

 Bye, bye, Eddy.

Ok, Mama, I did my job.  Can I have a treat?


  1. What a treat! We have just the run-of-the-mill birds up here. I'm envious.

  2. Beau pays no attention to the run of the mill birds we have down here, but he definitely gets riled up by the big birds. And squirrels. ;-)


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