Sunday, April 15, 2012

More Change

I decided to try the new Google "look" today since they have indicated it is coming later this month, anyway.  Guess it doesn't matter whether we really want all these changes that the fine folks at FaceBook and Google are constantly bombarding us with.

But, I'll try to keep an open mind.  After all, it is their website and I am given free use of it.  I'm hoping that they have addressed all the known glitches while making all their changes -- and that it wasn't "change for the sake of change."  I've never believed in the "if it ain't broke -- break it" theory.

Soooo...I guess to really test this thing, I need to upload a picture or two, right?  So here are some from a sunset last week when Gail and Andrea were here for a couple of days.

April Sunset at Sunset Beach
Noisy Beach Goers
Sunset Behind the Mangroves
I didn't have any problem with uploading pictures or entering the text.  And the preview feature is still there and easy to use.  No problems so far.  I made a few other changes that I wanted to make for myself  -- like including "sunshine" in the title.  I have found that sunshine definitely has an impact on my own happiness and that of most of my friends and family.

The major changes in the new blogger?  The ability to add pages and sell stuff.  That's not the object of my blog so I will happily pass on that.

Have a lovely Sunday.


  1. I agree, Sherri. I've just started with the new "dashboard" and so far, it's been OK.

  2. Beautiful sunsets, sherri! I like your "new look"!



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