Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Early Birds

Ever since I retired, I have tried to avoid scheduling anything that requires an alarm to wake me in the morning.  The very best thing about retirement is going to bed when I feel like it and waking up naturally without the aid of an alarm, usually 7 hours to the minute from when I drop off to sleep.  I am more of a night owl than an early bird.

Well....that changed this week.

Dolores and Trish -- Walking Buddies

It's HER fault.  The gal on the right.  Trish.  Trish, who suggested we start walking on the causeway to Howard Park Beach.  Her partner in crime is Dolores,who eagerly accepted an invitation to join our walk.  So we're meeting several times a week shortly after sunrise to walk the causeway before it gets too hot.  I have to admit that it did feel good to get up and out of the house early enough to enjoy the fresh morning air and cool breezes off the Gulf of Mexico.

One of the ugly pay stations they have added along the causeway and  on the island.

It is a beautiful view along the causeway when it is not being blocked by this monstrosity.  But the alternative would be a hundred parking meters so I guess this is the lesser of two evils.  At least with these, I can get a good shot that doesn't include them in the landscape.

North End of Howard Park Beach

Sea Grapes and Mangroves 
It really is a beautiful place to walk and take in the scenery as we go.  The causeway is a little more than 3/4 of a mile.  The island is .4 of a mile and roundtrip, it is a nice two mile walk.  We didn't see any dolphins or sharks feeding yesterday, but we did see some water fowl.

Egret watching the walkers along the causeway
Mr. Egret was watching us as we passed by.  In the background (click to enlarge) is our resident colony of cormorants. I saw a young blue heron as well but wasn't able to get a good picture of him.

After we finished our walk, we stood in the parking lot and talked for another half hour.  The sun came up above the clouds along the horizon just after I took this photo.  It was fun and I look forward to doing this regularly. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and keep our daily summertime storms to the afternoon hours.

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