Saturday, October 19, 2013

Best Laid Plans....

Every time I think I will be able to spend more time on my blog, I encounter other things that take precedence so it has been a pretty long while between posts.

I still want to get back to painting.  But that's on a back burner until November 20.

What's so special about November 20?

It's the Woman's Club Art Mart held on the third Wednesday of each November to benefit our art scholarship fund.  Each April we award a scholarship to a deserving Senior in the art program at Tarpon Springs High School. So I spend a good part of the Fall making things to sell in the Art Mart.

This year I am focusing inexpensive little earrings, cards and bookmarks with  "Think Pink," birthday, and holiday themes.

I've done a couple dozen pairs of earrings in four different designs: Think Pink, Cupcake, Christmas Stocking, and Santa Claus

And Thursday I started with the cards and bookmarks and earring cards.  Hopefully, I'll pick up speed on these things.  November 20 is only a month away.

Actually, all I need to do is stay off the damn computer and get it done. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Boy! Can I identify with the very first lines of this post. For some reason, so much other stuff seems to get in the way. I think I've identified one of the prime offenders....FaceBook. By the time I wander around that thing, I'm about "computered out". I really do enjoy the blogging much better, but seem to let FB eat up my time. Got to try to break that cycle. :-)


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