Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Little of This and A little of That

Every afternoon lately we have looked out at this:

 Or, this:

And because of that and the sun that shines before and after those tropical rains, everything is  lush and green right now.  We have had true tropical weather all summer causing the flowers and foliage to take off.  I grabbed my camera when I went out to the lanai yesterday to get a shot of the pineapple plant.  It is HUGE.

A light sprinkle was falling when I took that picture.  You can barely see the original pineapple top.  I really don't think it is doing much of anything.  Butch and I are enjoying watching this gardening experiment. That's a good thing since it is going to be at least 18 months long.

Something else that grows really fast in the summertime?  Hair.  I schedule my own appointments every 4 weeks instead of 5.  And the Beau Monster?  Well, I think he will have a haircut on Tuesday.  His mobile groomer calls us on the Monday before he comes so I'll know for sure tomorrow morning.  He is not fond of the experience so we don't tell him beforehand.

Scruffy Beau

He is definitely in need of Lee's clippers.  I took five pictures and this was the only one that caught a glimpse of his face.  He is just like Butch. HATES a camera when it is pointed at him.  I can relate. I prefer to be behind the lens myself. But anyone as cute as this little guy should love having his picture taken!  Not going to happen.

Might as well make it a crafts update, too.  I stayed off the computer Friday nght and all day yesterday so I could complete my latest afghan.

And made a card:

  And bookmark.

Today I plan to work on a card order that needs to go out tomorrow.  I have also started a new painting. And I have a little Silhouette Cameo project to experiment with this week.  I really haven't used my new toy much and tomorrow and Tuesday will be perfect days for that.  This week will be a fun week.

Hope yours will be, too.

1 comment:

  1. Love the afghan! Beautiful!
    We just ate our latest mini-pineapple. It was like candy. Yummmm! Another one growing outside the screenhouse. We're trying to figure out a way to protect it from the raccoons that will get to it just before we decide to pick it!


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